Slack Overflow
How does the machine think? We cannot know precisely without delving into the code, into its system of signs. However, we can see (in its log window) a part of its thoughts, or at least what it feels (receives) and what it says (replies). This is what Slack Overflow shows: the clash between order and execution, between will and potential. Nothing is forever, and even machinic perfection has its limits. 
Slack Overflow is a series of four musical compositions created by stressing the machine to the point of exhaustion. Using Threnoscope (a drone and micro-tuning live coding environment inside SuperCollider), I performed and recorded until the system runned into “FAILURE IN SERVER”. 
 At a time when the exploitation of human labor for the benefit of large corporations is accentuated by the use of new technologies, I play with a system of musical composition until it reaches the limit of its memory, i.e., its working capacity, and inevitably “crashes.” The practice of overstressing technology as a means to empower human intelligence and defend ourselves from its imposing aesthetics. 
An investigation that advances my research on the relationship between humans and machines., shedding light on infrastructural aspects framing these interactions. A critique of labor, capitalism, the art market, and art itself, engaging in a dialogue with figures like Mladen Stilinović, Guido Segni, Kate Crawford, and Vladan Joler. .
It’s an ode to the practice of laziness as a way to liberate humans from work, navigating the complex relationship between man and machine. An ode to free time, free thinking, and a position of independence from the infrastructure that imprisons our time, our bodies, and our dreams. 
An ode to practice in the search for perfection.
They work. I rest. I am.
. POSVERSO Bienal - Hotel DADA - Buenos Aires (AR) - October 2024 
VideOscillazioni Festival - Pontremoli (IT) - September 2024 
Drastic Noise - Circolo Arci Canaletto - La Spezia (IT) - January 2024
Sarzana Distretto Creativo, - Sarzana (IT) - September 2023

Tutte le Macchine al Potere - SECS Gallery - Carrara (IT) - April 2023
SECS Gallery - Carrara (IT)
SECS Gallery - Carrara (IT)
Arci Canaletto - La Spezia (IT)
Arci Canaletto - La Spezia (IT)
SECS Gallery - Carrara (IT)
SECS Gallery - Carrara (IT)
SECS Gallery - Carrara (IT)
SECS Gallery - Carrara (IT)
SECS Gallery - Carrara (IT)
SECS Gallery - Carrara (IT)
SECS Gallery - Carrara (IT)
SECS Gallery - Carrara (IT)